Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tomatoes are Evil

Ok, gotta write something about food... Here's something: Nightshades cause pain. I saw this on the old elevator news feed on my way to work; I'm still trying to verify this. I haven't seen any science on this, but as someone who suffers from chronic back pain, possibly caused by mild arthritis, the possibility of limiting or reducing this by cutting out tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, tobacco, etc seems like a hard, though reasonable trade-off. I'm curious if any one else has had any luck with this. Damn I'm going to miss tomatoes, though.

 Listen to this poor sap.
Zeus above, have mercy!
Jesus wept!  (He loves tomatoes)
And here's the winner: Why is there a website dedicated to tomato haters? This goes deeper than I could have imagined. Dear lord, why???

This...this means...(too horrible to contemplate)... NO MORE PIZZA.

Oh, Odin, why have you forsaken me?

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