Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Fooder Conquers Asia

Life, my dear reader, would hardly be worth living if you didn't get my opinions on Japanese and Thai cuisine. Therefore, I hasten to the magic realm of Thai-pan, aka. Thailand and Japan, for your dining pleasure. I will eat the finest street food and liquor these backwaters have to offer. Stay super extra tuned for details of culinary glory RIGHT HERE true believer.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A cryptic message from The Expert:

Couldn't sleep. Thinking in my fooder voice. (The Fooder gets in yer head --editor) Blogs are like assholes... I've crashed on couches with people who have cable, I've watched the food network, I know that burger isn't medium rare... Everyone seems to be outdoing themselves to charge more for something that used to be cheap (insert review for hipster taco, cupcake, doughnut, ramen, bar food)...
That and I'm hungry. I'm trying not to drink beer or eat crappy food for a week. A whole week. It's harder than I thought. thanksgiving will break me of these shenanigans  but I might return right back into this routine for an unheralded clear headed look at the holidays. The holidays are always a time for guilt drinking, hate eating, and commitment fucking anyway. It's never as tragic as you hope it will be.

If you want to go out for tea sometime after work let me know. We'll hit up all the after hour tea shops...who's names escape me at the moment.

I couldn't agree more. Why would anyone bother to name a tea shop? Dens for savages and communists are un-deserving of the honor. 

But my friend, I hear your pain, the suffering unmasked by your heartfelt, sleep-deprived words. Soon the world will understand what it means to dine on the succulent morsels of blended meat and gelled offal. Why? Because we will tell them, we will shout it from the mountaintops. The maitre'D's of the world will quake at the approaching thunder of our flatulations, their sous chefs whither in our shadows. We will digest their misbegotten "entrees" and "hors d' oeuvres"  and leave them bereft of hope. Give thyself not into the malaise that besets you, instead, prepare thyself for conquest and antacid. No flambe nor tar-tar will hinder us from our destiny...our rule the foodie blogosphere!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Fooder and Co.

I am the Fooder; behold my visage and tremble lest I write thee a bad, lo ~ terrible ~ food review.

The other Players:

The Foodwife: mine goodwife, a fancy-shmancy lady who takes me to fancy-shmancy places.

The Foodling: mine teenage daughter who's quick wit and narrow appetite flay many a lowly line chef.

The Expert: mine good friend who thinks he knows a lot but hath yet to post a damn thing.

Fooder Expose: The New Jersey Turnpike: Where food goes to die.

The drive from Philly to NYC is a paltry 2 hours. You'd think a man would be able to resist stopping at the roadside attractions along the way. Well, you'd be wrong. The "To" leg required a cigarette break and some relief from poetry radio, the only semi-tolerable pap on the dial. But the way back was a different, this time, I was hungry.

Enter: The Molly Pitcher Rest Stop: Birthplace of Cheese-thulu, Beast of 1,000 spare tires, Mother of the Unholy Saddlebags and High Priestess of the Star-Spawned Gut Busters.
Inside the belly of the beast.

Now, you may ask, was I really so hungry that I had to stop less than an hour from my destination? No. I could have waited. But I was ensnared by the lowest and basest of human whims: Nostalgia. Yes, along that noisy and congested stretch of asphalt, I saw something that rocked me back to my childhood; days spent with my grandmother clipping coupons and returning sale items for regular price.Two words--a name, which flung me back onto the happy trails of my youth: Roy Rogers. In honor of my dearly departed gran-gran, I now required a roast beef sandwich. 

The fabled Molly Pitcher stuffing some balls. Get ready for a colon blow!
Oh Roy Rogers! You were my heart's delight when I was 8. The guttering flame on the torch of the Neshaminy Mall's erstwhile glory. But time hath brought thee low; she hath turned thee into a painted mockery of thy former self, harlot though ye were.

My first indication that something was terribly wrong, aside from the slack-jawed grill attendants and stacks of pre-packaged sandwiched moldering under ancient heat-lamps, was the fact that my hamburger was not a hamburger. Alas, it was a breaded chicken sandwich with...what's this? Bacon and cheese.

Who the fuck eats chicken-baco-cheese sandwiches??? And why was it filed under hamburger? My heart sank; my stomach churned. Well, perhaps the succulent roast beef of my faded youth would bolster my spirits...

Jesus! What the fuck is this?! One bite and the sour taste of bile rose in my throat. This isn't meat! It's shoe leather. Maybe cat leather piled on a grease soaked bun. Why dear lord did I not immediately heave this abomination back into the hellfire that had produced it? Shame. Shame and regret. My shame was too great, my failure complete. I could not demand a refund because $10 was the price I had to pay to see what a crippling and humiliating passion nostalgia really is. I'm sorry Gran-Gran, but never again.

In my degradation I looked desperately for an escape, but the way out was barred. A throng of humped, gawking, female teenagers and their smug and smirking den mother were spreading out across the Molly Pitcher killing floor. Camera-phones aloft grinning they shared two notable characteristics: enough spots to dot a leopard and t-shirts advertising some new Christian boy band called "One-Direction." Of course I assume they must be Christian pop because their name implies the rapture and these girls looked like the butt end of the pope's smock. Apparently, these lads must have been somewhere nearby suckling on the old Roy Rogers teat. The proven existence of such things as Christain boy-bands and pre-pubescent stalkers was enough to make my already delicate innards launch a full revolt. I lurched for the exit.

We've got something in common...the infernal demon seed of Roy Rogers churns in our bowels!

Well, that was enough for me. I topped off my 24 oz bladder smasher and hoofed it for the rental car. My only desire after this excretory excursion was some south Philadelphia suburban oblivian.

So please, do yourself a favor. If you have to do anything other than smoke or walk your dog, and you see one of the many I-95 rest stops comin' up over the horizon, drive on by, man. Drive on by.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Indian Food. But is it really?

I ate Indian Food today from some place called Indian House or Indian Palace or Indian Playground -- it doesn't matter. What's important is that I didn't immediately have explosive diarrhea and was able to calmly walk into the bathroom and relieve myself like a normal human. What I'm not certain about is whether it was the source of the food or a growing tolerance to the wiles of this ever foreign cuisine.

Maybe there truly is a world beyond naan, a glorious palindrome and the sponge for my chicken tikka masala. Still, how can one country, which hold the cow as sacred above all others, use so much damn dairy? Cheese, cream, milk, yogurt; I'm sure there's a dish which contains all three four of these ingredients. Personally, I think people like this stuff because it's not really spicy, but has some kind of flavor and it's like eating fried ice cream but you can pretend it's healthy because it's ethnic. Any way you put it, it's always a pass for me, but sometimes you have to swallow your creamy, cheese curd filled fried yogurt milk potatoes and smile, or else they won't call you when they're going to eat real food like Lou Malnati's pizza.

Fooder's Health Tips: 8oz, 8 glasses, 8 days a week. Thanks Jake! Words to live by.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tomatoes are Evil

Ok, gotta write something about food... Here's something: Nightshades cause pain. I saw this on the old elevator news feed on my way to work; I'm still trying to verify this. I haven't seen any science on this, but as someone who suffers from chronic back pain, possibly caused by mild arthritis, the possibility of limiting or reducing this by cutting out tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, tobacco, etc seems like a hard, though reasonable trade-off. I'm curious if any one else has had any luck with this. Damn I'm going to miss tomatoes, though.

 Listen to this poor sap.
Zeus above, have mercy!
Jesus wept!  (He loves tomatoes)
And here's the winner: Why is there a website dedicated to tomato haters? This goes deeper than I could have imagined. Dear lord, why???

This...this means...(too horrible to contemplate)... NO MORE PIZZA.

Oh, Odin, why have you forsaken me?

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Apparently, the Girl and the Goat is so fucking amazing, that grown women cry at the thought of not being able to get a reservation. Of course, I wouldn't know, having eaten around 10 goats, I can say I find camel meat to be prefferable. Therefore, I'm not interested in some swanky, over-rated blah-blah-blah.

I found this out because the GF, or Wife as she prefers to be called, works as a hot-shit concierge at one of the hoighty-toityiest 5 star hotels in the city. Some rich lady started blubbering on the phone at the prospect of having to wait an hour at the bar in Chicago's hottest whatever-it-is.

That said, new vistas of opportunity have opened to me. I am now officially on "the list" as a line sitter. For a paltry $250 ($200 if you include a sexual favors) I'll wait in line, at the bar, or in the parking lot while other people enjoy themselves eating at whatever place is currently hard to get into. Of course you could just save that money and hang out, but $250 an hour is nothing for people who pay as much for their Au Pair to get a haircut.

Just sayin's all...

I coulda had a V-8 instead of this shitty wait. This ain't no good(er). shoulda called the Fooder!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Record Store Day Bonehead

In case you're even more dense than me you know it was Record Store Day this past Saturday. I just discovered, 5 years too late, that my new favorite local record store (free F-ing arcade and records by the pound) was no longer my old favorite record distributor.  Additionally, found out 6 hours too late that my old roomate, producer, and chum Bavid Baker just realeased a new EP and played an in-store show. Essentially I missed everything. But GF, the Foodling and I did manage to get some amazing pizza at at Coalfire on Grand Ave. Unbelievably. Amazing. Every. Time. Great wine selection as well. Definitely head over there some time, possibly a weekday or early in the eve to miss the crowds and say hey to my friend Dave (who told me about the in-store and Record Store Day -Thx Dave!).

And just to rub it in here is my Record Store Day purchase:

Tomahawk - From Eponymous To Anonymous

Angels and Slaves

The Fooder went to Sable last night to wait for the GF. I had promised not to talk about slavery again, but somebody started talking about this site (maybe it was me, I'm not sayin') and well, how can you not talk about salvery when you talk about hot women seeing the world on some rich guy's dime. At least this time I didn't yell.

I was by far the least douchy character in there, which isn't saying a lot, but any time you go within a mile of the Viagra triangle you're going to be innundated with the worst humanity can offer. That said the drinks were delightful. Here's a pro tip: ask for a drink menu, get a mini High Life. Freddy whipped me up a drink he called the, uh, Sweet Angel or something like that. All I know is it had Famous Grouse whisky in it which always remind me of my relatives back in England.

Usually we just drink it from the tap.

EDIT: It was called the Drunken Angel here's the recipe:

The Famous Grouse, Punt e Mes, Mathilde Pear, fresh orange juice, orange bitters

Drunken Angel
Anyhow, it was a fine drink, loosly based on the other drink I had that night, ye olde Blood and Sand. I managed to yell this suggestion to at least two other guests, but I don't think they took me up on it. Freddy makes a great Blood and Sand.

Some clown was trying to pick up a cocktail waitress at the waitress stand. he asked if it was a photobooth and then offered to buy drinks for all of them except the older on. I think he said she wasn't pretty. He was mightily rebuffed and spent the next hour reeling around the place like a thre-legged stool.

Anyway, I'm glad to report, the GF forgave me about the slavery thing because I was actually talking about it in a semi-constructive way and we went home, discovered someone had snapped off our doorbell ringer to steal the AAA battery, had a Jim Beam fueled dance party and then sex for longer than I can remember. All-in-all it was a successful evening.